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Pre-Primary Section

Welcome to Patuck Pre Primary School, where early childhood care and education are our top priorities. We offer four sections: Play School, Nursery, Junior KG, and Senior KG, each designed to foster growth and development in our young learners. At our school, we believe in providing a nurturing environment where children can learn, play, and thrive.

Student Learning

We prioritise intellectual and emotional development through a holistic learning approach. Our tailored activities cater to both cognitive and personal development, engaging students in learning, writing, singing, dancing, playing, scribbling, and colouring. Through a blend of traditional and e-learning techniques, we aim to nurture students’ knowledge and confidence, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

Play & Learn

At Patuck Pre Primary School, we recognise that, at this age, play is the primary mode of learning. It’s through play that children naturally develop essential skills such as motor skills and problem-solving abilities. Our approach emphasises the intrinsic connection between play and learning, fostering spontaneity, freedom, and joy in every activity. Through a diverse range of indoor and outdoor games, group activities, and access to play areas with slides, see-saws, swings, and more, we aim to cultivate values of caring, sharing, tolerance, and acceptance in our young learners.

Our Teachers

Our dedicated teachers serve as nurturing guides, fostering each child’s growth with care and compassion. Our faculty members are not only well-trained and experienced but also passionate about what they do. With a focus on education through fun, they utilise innovative teaching methods to create an engaging learning environment. Through mentorship and personalised attention, our teachers ensure that every child receives the support they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

Learning Environment

At Patuck Pre Primary School, we cultivate a dynamic and fun learning environment where positive emotions abound. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and the best infrastructure, our classrooms provide the perfect backdrop for interactive learning experiences. From engaging activities to hands-on experiments, every aspect of our environment is designed to inspire curiosity and creativity in our young learners. Here, education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about fostering a lifelong love for learning.

Best Practices

We uphold the highest educational standards by implementing best practices that promote both academic excellence and personal development. Our commitment to reducing the burden on children includes dispensing all learning materials directly from the school, ensuring a seamless learning experience. Through a balanced blend of physical and mental activities, we foster holistic development in every child, complemented by positive emotions and a supportive learning environment. Our dedicated teachers employ innovative teaching techniques, personalised attention to empower students, making them not just smart, but confident individuals ready to embrace the challenges of tomorrow.